Købe billeder

1. Find photo

2. Click on "Købe foto" under photo - You can add one or more photos to order.

3. Go to Send order - just click: "Købe billeder »".

4. Register

5. Send your order

6. Go to Paypal page and pay

7. You will recive photo


- by credit card, from your bank account

Pay securely online with PayPal from your bank account or with a credit card.

Pay securely online with Moneybookers.

You can pay by credit cards: VISA, MasterCard, American Express.

Credit card payment is authorised by service PayPal

Digitalphoto.pl has no access to the data concerning credit card.

- into account

Account nb: PL 24 1140 2004 0000 3402 3446 3964

Receiver: Biuro RCS
Receiver adress : Kleszczewo ul. Jodlowa 15
83-034 Trabki Wielkie, Poland

Name and bank adress:

BRE Banku S.A. Retail Banking,
al. Mickiewicza 10, 90-050 Lodz

* Discounts :
 10 % discount - when total price is more than 150 €
 15 % discount - when total price is more than 250 €
 20 % discount - when total price is more than 500 €